We've decided to do a summer Sign Magic Workshop. The dates are June 25-27, 2010. It promises to be a small group but this means that it will be better tailored to what each participant wants to learn. The workshop will be the eighth workshop we have held in our studio. Although this workshop is not listed on our website more information is available if you follow the links starting here... www.imaginationcorporation.ca/workshops/index

Over the last three years we have hosted more than 100 artists from literally around the world at our studio. Together we have explored the three dimensional sign world featuring creative CNC routing on our MultiCam router.. I do my best to cram in forty years of sign experience into three short days of teaching. Enroute, of course figures into the experience. I'll demonstrate my way of working inside this wonderful program, hopefully taking out the mystery and showing how even the most complicated piece is merely a series of small steps that aren't really that difficult.
Mostly, what I am eager to pass on is the passion I feel for this craft. I'll take each participant back to where I started, showing them how I built my skills and abilities. I'll show how every ideas starts small and grows, first as a rough sketch, through to a rendering, then on as a 3D file, onto to construction and then on to a finished piece.

We'll get our hands dirty as we practice the techniques in the shop too.The days will be long but will pass incredibly fast as every moment is crammed full of learning all we possibly can fit in.

I'm looking forward to another great weekend sharing my passion with like minded folks!!