This week has been fun. Our son, Peter is on a break from university and he's helping out in the shop. Peter worked for us for more than 14 years. Awesomely talented he can do pretty much anything he puts his mind to. He decided to become an animator about 10 years ago and did well. Now he's changing gears again and wants to work with high school kids. To achieve this goal he is studying to become a math teach and is just finishing his third year of studies. Although much has changed in the ten years since Peter went on to other things he picked up the tools and it was like he never left. It's almost scary how much we think and work alike. There's been lots of laughs this past week and lots of work done too!

Although it looks like there is lots to do the receptionist's desk is coming along nicely. Both lamps are now ready for paint and many other pieces are cut and ready for assembly.
The end table/lamp for the waiting area is also well under way. The steel work is now finished and much of the assembly done. The cabinet folks will do the twin table tops to match the desk. It's a very fun piece that will add life to the corner of the room.
Today was also the day the first load of pieces were strapped to the trailer and we headed down the freeway to the job site. On the way we picked up the table top which looks fabulous! I figured the safest place to haul it was on the top of the table base. We arrived without incident.

Bright and early tomorrow we'll load up the trailer one more time with a whole bunch more pieces. In the afternoon we get possession of the boardroom at long last. Friday we'll be starting the assembly process... I can hardly wait!!!