It is also a time to review the job just finished. How did things go? What could we do better next time? It is all about continually raising the bar.
Then we turn our attention to the next projects. Materials are ordered and files are built. That process began today.
The first piece we are building is a windmill, but not of the ordinary kind. Our client who owns an adventure golf requested this traditional mini golf fixture and approved our version.
Since the windmill will be added to an existing golf we decided to fabricate it on a sturdy steel plate base which is cut from 3/8" thick steel. I designed the cutting vectors in EnRoute after first figuring things out with a napkin sketch.
Cutting the 3/8" thick steel plate on our MultiCam plasma cutter was a quick process. I'll do an ongoing design-build process from this point as it is the easiest way for me to create this type of complex project. I'll keep the concept firmly in my head as we work out the design from the base upwards.