The first large project I designed specifically for our new MultiCam was a BIG one! We were contracted to design and build an adventure golf on the third floor of Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We partnered with another firm there to do all the onsite work. The challenges were many. Everything we fabricated in our shop had to fit into a transport truck, then move through the mall and be lifted to the third floor. Weight was a definite concern. We had to build our components in a whole new way. Everything had to be strong - but relatively light weight.
First up was a train. I had done a concept drawing to start. I decided it would be a design as we go type of project, learning as we went too. Our MultiCam would be the tool of choice for much of the project. First up was the frame and side pieces of the locomotive.

Then the wheels were routed. The router was fast with a wheel coming off the machine every twenty minutes.

As each piece came off the machine we would mock things up, measure for the next piece and then build the files and machine the pieces. Everything was machined from 30 lb Precision Board HDU. Lightweight yet strong it was the perfect material for the job.

After only two days of production it was starting to look like a train already. I was really liking this new machine for it saved us so many hours. More importantly each piece was perfect each and every time. We had only just begun...