I started with the Primer. We used a heavy, thick primer. I applied it with a brtush as it was my last chance to add just a little more texture to the piece. It was to look like a sunken treasure which was seeing the light of day for the first time in a long while. It wasn't hard to make it look the part. Then came the base coats of the metallic paint - also applied by hand with a brush. Although it looked pretty fine at this point it was far too bright and shiney. But I'd soon fix that...

Once the base coats were good and dry I flooded the piece with a series of glazes, wiping off the excess with a soft cloth, leaving the dark colors in the recesses and cracks. It looked instantly old.

I worked from the top down so I didn't ruin the areas already done. I was getting happier by the minute for this was looking pretty good. Stay tuned...