The little cartoon fish boat was created entirely in EnRoute. It is one of those projects I would caution those who have not yet got a good handle on EnRoute to leave alone for a while. Learn the basic functions first - then get fancy.
The vectors were created using the drawing vector editing tools. The thing to keep in mind is the shapes of the rliefs you want to create as well as what you need to take away to make it happen.
The first shape is the bulbous hull. It looks a lot like a miss-shapen egg.
Then I selected what I wanted to slice off the hull shape and created a zero height relief. This was then merged lowest to give us the proper hull shape on top.
as quick as that we have a basic hull shape. The bumper rails on the side of the hull were added by adding to the relief.
The keel was next. this was created as a separate flat relief. We'll merge it to the hull later.
I then stretched out the cab to form an oval when looked at in the front view.
Just like that (in about 30 minutes) we had a cute little fish boat.
There are many ways that could have been used to substitute some of the steps I used. I am sure there are some simpler methiods. But no matter what, as you can see it is both fun and challenging to use EnRoute. With it I can build anything I can imagine.